The political spectrum is a little more complicated than left to right. A common characterization of the political spectrum is two dimensional. Left (Progressive) to Right (Conservative) occupies the ‘X’ axis and Libertarian to Authoritarian occupies the ‘Y’ axis. An illustration of this spectrum is included here. This image plots where various well known political parties and political philosophies are generally accepted to lie.

A Libertarian claims to be an advocate of individual liberty, especially freedom of thought and action. Libertarianism generally seeks a de-centralization of power that can even approach anarchism. Find where anarchism is on the political spectrum image. The Tea Party is generally accepted as a right leaning libertarian movement. One glaring contradiction of the Tea Party would be both their defense of individual liberty and their rejection of homosexuality. If a Libertarian believes each person has the right to live their life in any way they choose then why can’t a gay couple be married?
The opposite of Libertarianism is Authoritarianism. Authoritarianism seeks a strong centralization of power usually with an exclusive party or individual leader. Individual rights and democracy are rejected in favor of the state. China, Soviet Russia, and North Korea are examples of Authoritarian States however most would consider them Totalitarian States, the extreme form of Authoritarianism. Considering the track record of Authoritarian organized societies in the past one hundred years most people would probably consider it unfavorable. Authoritarianism and Libertarianism are at least equally disparate as progressivism and conservatives are.
Now to more familiar territory, conservative philosophy seeks to maintain traditional institutions and is only comfortable with a very minimal amount of progression. A conservative supports traditional values and would be weary of new ideas. In short they don’t like change. Unfortunately for conservatives the only thing constant is change and an unwillingness to embrace change is perhaps the greatest fault of man. The accelerating progression of technology and ballooning population is causing humanity to evolve at an ever increasing rate. Since the world is changing at a faster pace than Conservatives are comfortable with, I hypothesis that this a leading cause to their growing malcontent. However I will admit to the necessity of conservatives for balance. I just wouldn’t put them in the driver’s seat, maybe someone in the back that squawks if you’re about to make a bad turn.
The modern left in American society is primarily composed of Liberals and Progressives. The two vary slightly in their methods but they both pursue social change and seek a more egalitarian society. A Liberal would choose to use public funds to solve a problem and while a progressive would solve the problem through laws and regulations. For example a liberal solution to Global Warming would be to use tax dollars to invest in renewable energy sources. A progressive would approach the problem by passing regulations that limit the emissions of green house gases. Most of our modern problems are complex enough that both approaches are necessary. Global Warming for example should be combated through the development of clean energy sources and those clean energy sources can be encouraged by discouraging the dirty ones. In a nutshell the Left is the engine of positive change. Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, Gay Rights, Worker’s Rights and Environmentalism are example agendas of the Left in order to enact positive social change and seek a more egalitarian society. I personally believe striving for positive change is a virtue, how about you?
Do a web search for “political spectrum quiz.” You can find various websites that allow you to take a quiz that can plot you, based on your answers, where you lie on this two dimensional spectrum.
"A conservative supports traditional values and would be weary of new ideas."
ReplyDeleteDo you mean "weary" (as in tired), or "wary" (as in distrustful)?
The Democratic bubble should be closer to the authoritarian side considering how many people on the left are anti gun, pro universal healthcare, and pro free college
ReplyDeleteI agree with this sentiment that the Democratic Party is authoritarian. I would consider it less authoritarian on social liberties, but in regards to individual liberty, it's very authoritarian. I think the confusion comes from communism and anarchism being opposed in this graph, but communism is a stateless system, which is anarchy.
DeleteGreen party should be in the bottom-left corner, no business putting it as anything other than authoritarian.
ReplyDeletethis diagram is absolute garbage.
ReplyDeleteHow the heck is Facism on the right? Racism is actually a form of Socialism btw. They have very similar beliefs like a bigger government and things like that but the only difference is one believes in normal socialism and the other believes in racial socialism so you need to fix that!
ReplyDeleteDidnt mean to say racism ment to say facism