Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Another Political Blog?

Does the world need another political blog?  Is there anything left to say?  Could this possibly be heard above all of the shouting?  My answers to those questions are yes, very much so and with a little luck (or a lot).  That brings us to this minuscule corner of the internet, Write for the Left, my own little political Blog.  In case the title was cryptic, I’m sure it wasn’t, this will be a place for me to vent all of my wild and spacey liberal thoughts.

I’m growing increasingly frustrated with the left, not so much for their actions but for their inability to counter the rhetoric of the right.  Don’t get me wrong the left has its own rhetoric but it doesn’t compare to the hollow, hypocritical, righteous, and for lack of a better term B.S. that is contained in conservative speak.  Haven’t you ever been confused when conservatives declare themselves the vanguards of the constitution and then reject the Separation of Church and State?   Or when they scream bloody murder over the “Liberal Media” when they currently have the most viewed news station (Fox News) and a broad radio network (Limbaugh, Beck, Ingraham)?  I know I am.

Moving forward I have ambitions of offering writings that neutralize conservative rhetoric, persuasive arguments that support the liberal movement and constructive criticism for the left.  However I may not always fall on the far left; A Libertarian might disagree but sometimes I may land on or around the center.   So please whatever your political alignment please read on and I look forward to your comments.

P.S.  Please forgive me for any poor grammar or punctuation.  I’m really more of a math and science guy.  Go Physics!

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